Volunteers are an important part of our success....
- Volunteers use their experience in our program to pass on the stoke.
- Volunteers use their professional experience and passions to share with the "next" generation
- Volunteers commit their time on the beach and behind the scenes
- Volunteers are partners in building community throughout Monterey County.
- Volunteers are 14 years or older.
Pathways to becoming a volunteer:
- You must be 14 years or older.
- Youth volunteers ages who are 14 must have been a Wahine participant for a minimum of 1 year.
- During the school year program 14 year old volunteers must also participate in a program during the season that they want to also volunteer. For example attend an Afterschool PE program and volunteer on Saturdays.
- During the summer program volunteers must have previously been a Wahine participant for a minimum of 1 year if they are 14 years of age.
- 15-17 years can volunteer in our program without having been a participant.
- Adults and youth volunteers can contact us to request a Volunteer Form.
- Volunteers are accepted 3 times per year and must attend a volunteer training in Sept, January or May.
- Youth volunteers are eligible to apply for paid positions when they are 15.5 and must obtain a work permit.
- We have a partnership with CSUMB Service Learning, all eligible students can request to work with us through this department each semester.
- All youth can receive Volunteer Hours for their schools through our program.